maconda supports Lindsay Goldberg Vogel with commercial due diligence for an acquisition in the packaging industry

maconda News October 2012
We can again look back on eventful months. Highlights in our Commercial Transaction Services business area – services related to the sale of companies – included AXA Private Equity's acquisition of frostkrone, a manufacturer of frozen snacks, and Avedon Capital Partners' investment in Tesch Inkasso, a medium-sized receivables management service provider. In addition, there were some (as yet) undisclosed deals as well as projects for the operational preparation of the company sale ("exit readiness").
In 2012, the international maconda team supported the US private equity house Lindsay Goldberg, represented in Central Europe by Lindsay Goldberg Vogel GmbH, on several occasions with due diligence reviews including potential synergy areas.
About a week ago, the investor acquired Plasticum Group B.V., Netherlands. It generated sales of around €61 million in 2011 and manufactures special dosage dispensers and closures for personal care and cosmetic products, food and household products at four production sites in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK.
Back in March 2012, Lindsay Goldberg acquired the leading manufacturer of plastic closures for consumer products, Weener Plastik AG of Lower Saxony, which generated sales of around €140 million in 2011 with more than 1,200 employees. Weener primarily designs, engineers and manufactures innovative plastic closures (“Caps & Closures”), also for the personal care/cosmetics, household and food, and chemical and pharmaceutical segments. The product portfolio includes caps, valve closures, plastic bottles, jars, but also dispensers and dosing systems. The Weener Group has manufacturing facilities in 21 countries and is represented in Europe and North America as well as in the dynamically growing countries of South and Central America, Africa and Asia, which was picked up in our international due diligence approach.
Paul Pruss of Lindsay Goldberg Vogel: “maconda’s high level of expertise in commercial due diligence and strategic analysis in the primary packaging industry, based on a deep understanding of packaging product requirements from users in key global regions, convinced Lindsay Goldberg to work with us.” An important topic of maconda’s work in preparation for the takeover of Plasticum was the assessment of market-side synergies with Weener Plastik, including the alignment of customers and product range, regions and the mutual transfer of know-how.
Of course, we are also available to you as a competent and trustworthy partner. For consumer goods, in the packaging industry as well as in other industries, for commercial due diligences (also on the seller side), value enhancement projects, business field development, foreign expansion and for strategic and operational restructuring. Contact us at any time if you need expertise in these areas. We are here for you!