maconda advises NORD Holding on its investment in the southern German company jumpers fitness

maconda News June 2013
maconda is one of the most active providers of commercial due diligence and other commercial transaction services in the German-speaking region and is also in demand for the assessment of investment opportunities in the tourism and leisure industry. In recent months, the Cologne-based consultants have dealt with this attractive and multi-layered industry on several occasions, including the European market leader for river cruises, operators of amusement parks, tourism providers, providers of hotel booking systems, manufacturers and retailers of bicycles, e-bikes and bicycle parts, and a manufacturer of electronic products primarily for fitness studios. Finally, in May, a transaction with such a fitness chain was successfully concluded. Due to its many years of experience with consumer-oriented services as well as with branch systems, maconda is a competent partner for the commercial due diligence in this interesting sector, which is characterized by increasing demand.
jumpers fitness, based in Rosenheim in southern Germany, is an established fitness chain with branches predominantly in various parts of Bavaria. The company is active in the fast-growing discount segment of the German fitness market, which now accounts for more than 30% of all gym memberships. The limited, at least at first glance, mostly modular range of products offered by fitness discounters is gaining increasing acceptance among a broad target group from all age and income groups. Among other things, the company is benefiting from growing health awareness coupled with high price sensitivity.
In its commercial due diligence, maconda focused on analyzing the business model and compared in detail various fitness concepts in terms of price structure and service portfolio – from discount providers to premium studios. In addition, the roll-out potential was evaluated and the overall medium-term potential for new openings was quantified against the background of the degree of saturation, location availability, etc., thus illustrating the key aspects for the scalability of the business. For this purpose, the consultants experienced in microgeographic analyses considered, among other aspects, the typical catchment areas and their potential for the business model.
maconda evaluates business opportunities for a leading supplier of electronic systems for gyms, amusement parks and spas
A global provider of integrated access, lockers and billing systems entrusted maconda with a completely different project, yet one with strong links to the fitness market. The company equips fitness studios, spas and amusement parks in particular with complete system solutions. These products are based on innovative RFID technology, which is far superior to conventional barcodes and magnetic strips. Especially in the German-speaking region, our client holds a leading position due to its high solution competence and innovative products.
We comprehensively analyzed the company’s most important markets – both in terms of the various fields of application and in regional terms. This included the fast-growing Chinese leisure market as well as the USA. Despite a lack of data and mostly non-comparable data, a profound insight was created, primarily via numerous interviews with a wide variety of market experts from the large maconda network. Among other things, the current and future affinity of leisure facility operators for RFID-based solutions, medium- and long-term customer requirements, and fundamental trends were analyzed. On this basis, the company’s positioning in the competitive environment was evaluated. In addition, the maconda consultants showed which opportunities various foreign markets offer, with their often completely heterogeneous structure as well as the completely different RFID affinity.
Rivers, fleet, leisure fun – maconda analyzes Rhine, Danube, Elbe, Seine
Various other mandates in the diversified tourism and leisure industry prove maconda’s high competence. For example, the maconda team accompanied the takeover of the leading river cruise specialist nicko tours by a leading Swiss investor. With more than 30 ships, the company has the largest river cruise fleet and the widest range of services in Europe. As part of the commercial due diligence, maconda analyzed, among other things, the positioning, offering and bundling strategy as well as the pricing of nicko tours and its key competitors, and conducted a comprehensive fleet comparison of cruise operators using specially defined fleet KPIs.
In addition, we have accompanied further confidential mandates in the area of leisure and aqua parks, repeatedly dealt with bicycles, e-bikes, bicycle parts, compared tourist booking systems and much more. Of course, we are also available to you as a competent and trustworthy partner – for the development of strategies for the long-term successful cultivation of niche markets, for commercial due diligences (also on the seller side), but also for value enhancement projects, business field development, foreign expansion and for strategic and operational restructuring.
Competence Center consumer goods
Topics that our Consumer Goods Competence Center frequently deals with: FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods), consumer-oriented services (such as fitness and tourism), food, cosmetics and personal care products, packaging products, leisure articles, luxury products, wholesale, retail, mail order and various eCommerce concepts as well as software within “our” industries. Other Competence Centers include business-related services, mechanical and plant engineering/technical products, and health services and aging society. Contact us at any time if you need expertise here. We are happy to be there for you!